Category: Healthy Eating

Sugar is Like a Drug

If you’re struggling with your weight, put a magnifying glass up to the sugar you’re consuming. Studies show rats are more inclined to choose sugar than narcotic drugs when offered a smorgasboard of addicting...

If You Can Guess…

If you are the first one to correctly guess what I just ate (hint: it was delicious), I will send you a free copy of my DVD, Personal Best Stretch: Move Better Than Ever!...

Quantity Quandary

You would think that someone drinking a diet soda would tend to watch his or her weight and eat light. Unfortunately, many people drink diet sodas while consuming amounts of high calorie food. What...

Eating Too Much Sodium? Me Too…

Many recent articles have discussed the health risks associated with too much sodium added to our foods; high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Because of these risks, the FDA is working to regulate...