Swimming with Dolphins celebrates the world of water, which has been my training ground for personal and spiritual growth, and, throughout my life, a constant source of renewal and joy. It celebrates my unique friendship and interactions with a group of bottlenose dolphins in San Carlos, México, and explores their intelligence, resourcefulness, and playfulness. This memoir draws on my experiences living as an expatriate in México and recounts how this life change enhanced my health and spiritual growth. It mourns the destruction man inflicts on animal habitats and the diverse creatures that share our planet. I call upon my readers to be mindful and responsible, and to protect and defend the wildlife that surrounds us, no matter where we live.
Now available in e-book, paperback, and audiobook format on Amazon. You can read the Spanish version, Nadando con Delfines, by clicking this link. Here is a drone video Fred Elling took of the dolphins all around me. If you would like to buy a signed copy, you can order Swimming with Dolphins or either of my fitness books by clicking on the Pay Pal drop-down menu below. A $5 shipping and handling charge will be added to your order. Please e-mail me if you prefer to pay with Zelle.
The audio files below are from the Swimming with Dolphins audiobook, narrated by Susan. It was published on May 25, 2023, and can be purchased here. To sign up for an Audible membership, click here. If you purchased a paperback and want me to send you a code for a free download of the audiobook, please contact me.
Read an interview with Susan on Book Reader Magazine