Category: Quality of Life

Tune Up Your Body

Owners of high performance cars often feed them the highest grade of gasoline, wash and wax them regularly and take them in for regular preventative maintenance work. As the owners of bodies that at...

Make the Time

Like most personal trainers, I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve heard this worn out excuse: I don’t have enough time to do my exercise program. What’s really scary is that most of...

How I Met Stretch

My new DVD, Personal Best Stretch, will soon be released. For that reason, I’d like to share the benefits of stretching that have become so apparent to me in recent years. I’ll be the...

Post of Another Kind

Most days, I relish soaking up the brilliant sunshine and a view of the Santa Catalina Mountains jutting up so crisp and bold against the brilliant azure sky. On September 11, 2001 and January...